Where did the idea come from for The Power Of Flour?
The question for us has always been how to use the skills we have to help others. After more than two decades of baking and pastry experience (Carol) and more than 30 years in higher education (Roy) it was obvious that teaching people to bake was the correct direction.
How long does it take to establish a bakery?
Each situation is different. Setting up the bakery itself and training people to carry out the daily baking can be done in a timely fashion. There is a great deal that goes into scouting a location and making sure that women who enter the program will be successful and so that process takes a good deal of time.
Who are your partners?
We are actively looking for locations for our first bakeries. When we find these areas we will be sure to update you on our local partners!
How can I make a donation?
When we are set up to receive donations we will provide a link here.